What's On?

What's On at St Michael's Centre?

Contact Us

Events - 2024 

Find out what's going on at the St Michael's Centre Bishops Cleeve.

This page is regularly updated with news of upcoming community social events.

Our Foodbank outlet continues to operate on Friday mornings. 

Cake & Company, a monthly opportunity for our more senior residents to meet together and have a chat over a cup of tea and cake. Our next meeting is on  the first Wednesday in March 2024 at 3pm.  If you would like more information, please call 07799 378121

Other Regular Events

Children's and young people's groups

Elin Tots Baby Massage
Led by a trained RCM accredited baby massage instructor and early years teacher.  These fun, friendly and baby led sessions are suitable from birth.

Music and Movement Babies
Music, song and action class for babies from approx. 6 months to walking. Lots of sensory play and exploration, as well as baby signing.
 Friday morning and afternoon
Contact: Elin for more information or to book a place
Email: info@elintots.co.uk

Dance Classes
Saturday mornings at St Michael's Centre, led by Elin, trained dance teacher and early years professional. Ballet Babies 1 - 2 years; Ballet Tots 3- 5 years; Ballet Dancers 6 -10 years, Street Dance 4- to 10-year-olds.
Friday afternoon and Saturday mornings
Contact: Elin for more information or to book a place
Email: info@elintots.co.uk 

Praise and Play 
Toys and play for babies and pre-school children with craft-based activity and a Bible story and song time at the end of the session. Open to all - mums, dads and grandparents with your babies and pre-schoolers.
Monday and Thursday mornings 10.30 - 12pm
Tel: 07354 874617
Email: admin@stmichaelsbishopscleeve.co.uk

Oasis Parents
Christian friendship and fun for parents. 
Supervised crèche available
Tea, toast and time for you
Term time Thursdays at St Michael’s Centre 1.15pm - 2.45pm
Contact: Lucy Barbour 
Tel: 07941 676161
Email: lucy@barbour.co

Bishop’s Cleeve Childminders 
Play and socialisation for under-fives accompanied by their childminders. 
Tuesday mornings
Contact: Debi Newman

For girls aged between 7-10 years.
Includes a varied programme of activities: games, baking, sport, art, music and drama are popular. 
Tuesday evenings
Contact: Shirley Dawson
Tel: 01242 675876  

Adult groups

Bereavement Support Group 
Provides an opportunity to meet with others and have a cup of tea and cake. Feel free to come along to a meeting and bring a friend or family member if you wish. 
Second Saturday of each month at 10.30 am

Contact: Sally Lavis
Tel: 01242 673835
Email: sallyandears@yahoo.com

Cleeve Carers and Friendship Group 
Aimed at people in and around Bishop’s Cleeve, Gotherington and Woodmancote, who care, or have cared for a housebound loved one in their own home. 

The organisers endeavour to provide a meeting place where Carers can exchange views and to provide a break or diversion. Help and advice can be given where appropriate and contacts can be made with more specialised organisations. While membership is free a small donation is asked for to cover the cost of hall hire and refreshments. New members are welcome to drop in during sessions.
Second Tuesday of the month 2 pm - 4 pm

Contact: Mary Hughes
Email: emaryhughes@btinternet.com

CCP New Friends Network
Green Square facilitate the New Friends Network group which runs monthly. It is a community group that welcomes everyone. Each month we complete a different activity, which is often craft based. We welcome suggestions for activities from our members and have completed all of the following: glass painting, clay modelling, portrait drawing, crochet, silk painting, cup cake decorating, decoupage, and clay painting as well as other things. The group recently competed in a competition organised by The Barnwood Trust. Their entry was a collage shield, entitled, 'What Bishop's Cleeve Means to Me.'

All abilities are welcome. You can pop along for a cup of tea and a slice of cake with other members of the  local community. The group normally meets 2nd Wednesday of the month, but the day may change dependent on school holidays. Look out for posters, displayed on our noticeboards or contact organiser, Rosie, to check beforehand.

Contact: Rosie 

Table Tennis
Teams of varying ability participate in the Cheltenham Table Tennis League.  When we are not playing in matches, we meet for some friendly practise.
Wednesday evenings
Contact: Derek Brown 

ChiChi Fit 
A musical theatre dance fitness class for adults of all ages and abilities. Warm-up, cardio, toning and cool down in every class. Come and dance yourself fit to show tunes from Chicago, Grease, Sister Act, The Lion King and more.  
Saturdays 9.30 - 10.15
More info on Facebook: ChiChi Fit with Clare
Email: clareed@chichi-fit.co.uk

Bonsai Chi
Gentle low impact, whole body, flowing exercise, refreshing you mind and body.
Tuesday  14.30 - 15.30
Contact: Nikki Sinclair
Email: bonsaichi18@gmail.com

Friendly yoga classes with certified Iyengar yoga teacher Sigute Barniskyte-Kidd who has been teaching yoga since 2013. Improve your wellbeing with a balanced programme of yoga sequences to feel healthier, stronger, more relaxed and happier. Beginners and experienced members welcome.
Contact: Sigute for more information 
Email: sigute.barniskyte@gmail.com
Sessions take place on Tuesday afternoons 

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